Resources from our Workshops
Anxiety Workshop with Kim Barclay from KB Equilibrium:
Anxiety & Resilience Workshop |
ADHD Workshop with Dr Sonia Bailey, Educational Psychologist:
Please also find below links for two videos on ADHD:
Please also find below links for two videos on ADHD:
ADHD Presentation |
ADHD Anxiety Slides July 21 |
The Co-occurrence of ASD/ADHD
ASH ADHD BV Presentation Oct22 |
ADHD IN THE CLASSROOM - Information pack about ADHD. Click below to download your copy.
ADHD in the classroom |
10 Tips to help Parents who have Children with ADHD |
Attention Skills
Resources from our workshop 17.1.22
Supporting & Developing Attention Jan 22 |
Whole Body Listening |
SALT Resources 17.1.22 |
Information from our workshop 30.11.21 with Catrin Cox and Vicky Cox from DABBGL (Dyslexia Association of Bexley, Bromley, Greenwich and Lewisham).
Information from our workshop 30.11.21 with Catrin Cox and Vicky Cox from DABBGL (Dyslexia Association of Bexley, Bromley, Greenwich and Lewisham).
Dyslexia Slides |
EHCP Needs Assessment Process Workshop Jan 23 |
EHCP Workshop Feb 23 Intro to EHCP's & Outcomes |
Part-Time Timetables
Presentation by Vicky Marsh, Head of School Improvement, Strategic Education Partnership Early Years and Inclusion
Presentation by Vicky Marsh, Head of School Improvement, Strategic Education Partnership Early Years and Inclusion
Presentation for BV Part Time Provision |
Special Educational Needs Support
Understanding SEN Support in School Bexley IASS 2022.pdf |
SEN Support in Schools Training Nov 2022.pptx |
Speech and Language
Developing Attention:
Developing Attention:
Attention Presentation |
Social Stories and Comic Strip conversations.
Social Stories Powerpoint |
Comic Strip Conversations |
Video on comic strip conversations:
Video from Summer 2020 on feeling less stressed and how to help your child to feel less stressed by understanding what happens to our brains when we're under pressure.
Dr Daniel Siegel's Hand Model of the Brain is a really simple way to understand this complex subject.
Here's Medway's Child Health Project Officer, Jodie to talk you through it. Click on the link below:
Video from Summer 2020 on feeling less stressed and how to help your child to feel less stressed by understanding what happens to our brains when we're under pressure.
Dr Daniel Siegel's Hand Model of the Brain is a really simple way to understand this complex subject.
Here's Medway's Child Health Project Officer, Jodie to talk you through it. Click on the link below:
Supporting Siblings
The following resources were provided by Sibs - for brothers and sisters of disabled children.
Session 1 Introduction to the needs of siblings workshop handout |
Siblings Booklist |
Sibs Attention Jar Activity |
Trauma and Loss
Video on Trauma and Loss - 2020
Wills and Trusts
Protecting your inheritance, your wealth and your loved ones PowerPoint Presentation:
Protecting your inheritance, your wealth and your loved ones PowerPoint Presentation:
Wills & Trusts |
Parent Carer Health Focus Day - Anxiety and Behaviour - March 2020
We had a great turn out for our first Health Focus Day in March 2020, at the Marriott Hotel, Bexleyheath.
92 parent carers joined us on the day.
The event was supported by a wide range of health professionals, which was much appreciated by attenders.
Presentation slides are available, by clicking on the relevant link(s) below:
We had a great turn out for our first Health Focus Day in March 2020, at the Marriott Hotel, Bexleyheath.
92 parent carers joined us on the day.
The event was supported by a wide range of health professionals, which was much appreciated by attenders.
Presentation slides are available, by clicking on the relevant link(s) below:
BV Anxiety 11.3.20 |
Worry Pre Diag Pack |
Challenging Behaviour Workshop |
Behaviour that challenges pre diag pack |