PFA Survey Summary 2022
A big thank you to all parents and carers who responded to our annual Preparing for Adulthood (PfA) Survey in the summer.
Please see detailed reports for 2022 and 2020 above.
The following is a summary of the key findings of the 2022 survey when compared to the results of the 2020 survey:
These findings have been shared with Bexley via the PfA Strategy Action Planning Group. Bexley Voice proposed that the actions agreed that arose from the 2020 survey remain very relevant and should continue to be part of the Action Plan. Those actions are:
Please see detailed reports for 2022 and 2020 above.
The following is a summary of the key findings of the 2022 survey when compared to the results of the 2020 survey:
- Preparing for Adulthood (PfA) continues to be included in EHCPs for the majority for the first time in Years 10-11, not in Years 9-10 as would be expected. However, there has been a slight increase in the percentage of cases where they are included in Years 9-10 compared to 2020.
- The percentage of respondents who reported that PfA was not included or discussed at all, or who had no awareness of the process, has almost doubled since 2020.
- Compared to 2020, there is very little change in levels of familiarity with the PfA process and pathways in Years 8-9. The majority of parents/carers are/were not familiar with the PfA process or the pathways available.
- The majority of parents/carers were not confident about the process at the outset.
- It remains the case that, for the majority, information about PfA is obtained from sources other than professionals in schools or the LA. The results show that Bexley Voice, parent/carer research or information from other parents/carers are the main sources of information. The percentage of respondents obtaining information from SENCO’s/schools has declined compared to 2020.
- The Local Offer remains an under-utilised resource by parents/carers of young people going through the PfA process.
- Parents/carers again indicated that they found that Bexley Voice and other parents/carers were the most helpful in the PfA process.
- Since 2020, the percentage of parents/carers who found SENCOs/schools most helpful almost halved.
- Satisfaction levels with the PfA process for young people of all ages remains very low:
- 31.58% of parents/carers of 14-18 year olds are satisfied with the process to date, a small increase from 2020. However, the percentage of respondents who are very dissatisfied increased compared to 2020.
- 16.67% of parents/carers of 19-20 year olds agreed with the statement; ‘Transition into adulthood for my young person has been successful’ (up from 0% in 2020). However, those who strongly disagreed with the statement more than doubled from 2020.
These findings have been shared with Bexley via the PfA Strategy Action Planning Group. Bexley Voice proposed that the actions agreed that arose from the 2020 survey remain very relevant and should continue to be part of the Action Plan. Those actions are:
- Information on the PfA Process and Pathways to be shared with parents and carers before the end of Year 8.
- Parents and carers to be directed to the Bexley Local Offer before the end of Year 8.
- Authors of all EHCPs Year 9 and above must include PfA Outcomes and Provisions including options for:
- Further education
- Apprenticeships
- Supported Internships
- Employment - Parents and carers of young people with SEN support to be signposted to where they can get support to prepare for transition to further education, employment, supported internships and apprenticeships.