Bexley's Information, Advice and Support Service (IASS)
What is the ‘IASS’ ?
IASS are statutory services offering free information, advice and support to parents and carers of children and young people with special educational needs from birth to age 25. They have a role in making sure that parents’ views are heard and understood and that these views inform policy and practice. Bexley's IASS Contact details:
Website: Telephone: 0203 045 5976 (Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm) Email Address: [email protected] Postal Address: Bexley Information, Advice and Support Service Civic Offices, 2 Watling street, Bexleyheath DA6 7AT |
All IASS’s are at ‘arm’s length’ from the LA and the services they provide are confidential* and impartial.
Individual services may vary but all should be able to provide information and advice about:
· How special educational needs are assessed by schools and the LA.
· Who parents can talk to in school or LA about any concerns.
· The SEN Code of Practice, the Statutory Assessment process, statements and EHC Plans.
. Parents/carers rights and responsibilities.
· Meetings and reviews about a child’s needs.
· How progress is monitored and reviewed.
· What parents can do if they are not happy with a decision made about their child’s SEN.
How support is provided:
· Parent referral service only.
· Telephone / email consultations / home visits.
· Accompanying parents to meetings.
· Surgeries / Drop ins.
What support regularly consists of:
· General guidance.
· Liaison with home / school / LA.
· Helping parents with written submission, letters and reports etc.
· Accompanying parents to meetings and if required speaking for parents at meetings.
· Finding out information.
How to contact the ‘IASS’
As already mentioned, the IASS is a parent only referral service.
The confidential nature of the support offered to parents prevents IASS personnel receiving information or referrals from any other source, or discussing cases without their prior knowledge and permission. Therefore, if it is felt that parents would benefit from the involvement of the IASS, it is important to either:
1. Advise the parents to contact IASS themselves or,
2. Ascertain their permission to contact the IASS.