parent/carer resource and information pack
Bexley Voice is the Parent Forum for Bexley and part of our role is to signpost parents and carers to information, local and national organisations, groups and charities.
We are delighted to have received funding from the Co-Op Community Fund to provide Information/Resource Packs to parents/carers to signpost them to information or support from local organisations, charities and services, offering the opportunity to put relevant useful information in front of those new to the SEND world.
The packs contain a range of leaflets and promotional material from relevant organisations, so that parents/carers know where to seek help. We have included information around health services, educational support, parent support and social care/ leisure activities.
We also received some items from Oxleas and included some other resources for the parent, child or young person, (such as pens, key rings and stress balls.).
They are being distributed to parents/carers who attend our Bexley Voice School Visits, our Tea & Talk Parent/carer support group and by health professionals after a diagnosis of a disability/additional need.
One pack is given to each family and one family member must be a parent/carer member of Bexley Voice.
Packs are subject to availability and the contents will change depending on the content available.
Packs are only available to collect at the above events and will not be sent by post.
If you would like to suggest an organisation/information that should be included in this pack or would like us to include a promotional item for an organisation, please contact Frances Bush by e-mail : [email protected]
We are delighted to have received funding from the Co-Op Community Fund to provide Information/Resource Packs to parents/carers to signpost them to information or support from local organisations, charities and services, offering the opportunity to put relevant useful information in front of those new to the SEND world.
The packs contain a range of leaflets and promotional material from relevant organisations, so that parents/carers know where to seek help. We have included information around health services, educational support, parent support and social care/ leisure activities.
We also received some items from Oxleas and included some other resources for the parent, child or young person, (such as pens, key rings and stress balls.).
They are being distributed to parents/carers who attend our Bexley Voice School Visits, our Tea & Talk Parent/carer support group and by health professionals after a diagnosis of a disability/additional need.
One pack is given to each family and one family member must be a parent/carer member of Bexley Voice.
Packs are subject to availability and the contents will change depending on the content available.
Packs are only available to collect at the above events and will not be sent by post.
If you would like to suggest an organisation/information that should be included in this pack or would like us to include a promotional item for an organisation, please contact Frances Bush by e-mail : [email protected]